<p><p>&lt;p&gt;Dear Niceville Dental Group:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;My name is Douglas W. Hightower,D.D.S. and I hold a Florida General Dental License in continuous good standing since graduation. My mentors are Pankey Institute in the 70’s, Jim Pride Institute (California) in the 80’s, Omar Reed (Arizona) in the 90’s, and Mike Schuster Business Management in 2000. I recently sold my Pride Institute Dental Office to a oral surgeon’s group and I am interested in an associateship with a group providing cutting-edge services, such as yours, where my talents shall be appreciated and I may be of the most value to the group. My skill sets include: * anterior and posterior root canal therapy utilizing Tulsa/Dentsply Wave One System; * surgical placement of endosteal implants utilizing Nobel Care and Implant Direct Systems * surgical extractions and periodontal surgery; * surgical procedures with bone augmentation and resorbable membrane for ridge augmentation, sinus lifts, recontour of extraction and periodontal surgical sites,etc. * loading implants with abutments and restoring with all-ceramic crowns; * advanced periodontal diagnosis with Oral CDX saliva laboratory results and treatment; * in-office conscious sedation and on active staff at Sacred Heart Hospital and Baptist Hospital for out-patient services. My strengths include practicing critical thinking and deductive reasoning, and appreciating the innumerable benefits to new ideas by practicing being the “perennial sophomore.” My verbal skills are highly evolved and patients appreciate my affable and caring attitude towards them. Allow us the opportunity to meet in person. You may reach me at any time by: * Mobile 850-712-6863 * Home Phone 850-916-9300 * Home Fax 850-932-3474 * E-Mail [email protected] Please forward by e-mail, your fax contact, so I may fax to you my photograph.. Yours for better Health, Douglas W. Hightower, D.D.S.&lt;/p&gt;</p></p>
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